Sunday, September 20, 2009

Off to Virginia!

I leave on Thursday morning for my brother Bobby’s wedding in Virginia. I’m so excited to see everyone and to enjoy a weekend of relative luxury. I’ve already planned my first meal when I arrive at JFK Thursday afternoon … an iced coffee and a salad with chicken on it. I can’t wait! Then on to Virginia Beach for wedding festivities and a shopping trip to Target. I realized that my red strappy sundress will absolutely need a little sweater on top of it since I have some fairly ridiculous sunburn lines on my neck and arms. And my always exposed toes are crying for a pedicure. And before flying back here, I’ll pick up all kinds of essentials (and some treats!) to bring back to the volunteers. I figure they’ll probably end up covering my classes while I’m gone, so I may as well make it worth their while! All this and a WEDDING too? What a great weekend!


Bill said...

Let me know if you need us to grab anything. We have some books for you already packed. Travel safely.

Bobb-o said...

Wooo-Hooo! Can't wait to see you! I told mom and dad that you didn't need a bed at the Hawaiian Palace. Maybe if you sleep outside on the hammock you can show us how to hang a mosquito net!

Travel safe!

OpusDeiBostonBloggers said...

It was so wonderful to see you, Betsy! I hope your return trip went well. We miss you, but we're very proud of your work in Haiti. Your blog is helping all of us think a lot about Haiti and country building in general.